A beautiful, thought provoking film.
7 November 2012
A friend of mine had seen this on Channel 4 and told me to watch it. I was gripped from the start, I really didn't know where it was going or what was going to happen but there is something about the story that keeps the viewer watching. I was blown away! Telling a complete story within a short film is a difficult medium and I think film just about manages to achieve that. The cinematography is stunning and the subtle performances from the two actors was just right. The film is essentially one scene-a conversation between two people that leads to something quite unexpected.

If you like your films moving at a fast pace with lots of things happening then this story is definitely not for you! I imagine this film would cause great debate depending on ones views as it is dealing with a very controversial subject matter. That said, the director has dealt with it very sensitively and has told a very moving story. I would have liked to know more about the two characters, their history and why they have arrived at this point but that is the only criticism I would have about what is a very thought provoking piece which has left me telling others to watch it and discuss.
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