A sly self-referential movie.
16 November 2012
This movie might appear terrible, low-budget crap but it's actually quite an intelligent film. It is self-referential in that it becomes a scathing commentary on action/war movies such as Lethal Weapon, Rocky and Apocalypse Now, while at the same time reacting and intersecting with other narratives such as "porn" and "blaxplotation" films. And it's f'n funny. Don't listen to the haters...go into it with an OPEN mind...it's actually quite good in, again, a gentle mocking, side-long smirk at's own stupidity (and as an extension, the whole spoon-fed mass media grub we suck down without ever questioning the basis for such narratives such as racism, titillation of both flesh and fear, blood lust and revenge flicks). And it's f'n funny.
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