NCIS: Call of Silence (2004)
Season 2, Episode 7
THE Best episode of NCIS
17 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is also my very favorite episode of NCIS. The acting is superb, but, as a veteran myself, it is never far from my mind that Charles Durning is a real WWII vet, who landed on Omaha Beach during D-day. He was awarded the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and three Purple Hearts. He is someone I would love to meet.

I also like the part where the Marines come to attention upon seeing the Medal of Honor, however, I prefer Gibbs' reaction as Corporal Yost is pulling the medal out of his shirt at the metal detector: "Henry, we are in the presence of a Medal of Honor recipient." It is not often you see reverence from Gibbs, so you know how much he respects Yost.

This episode also brings tears to my eyes every time, but if you really want to well up, go to (Congressional Medal of Honor Society web site, not to be confused with the name of the medal itself, Medal of Honor) and read some of the real citations. They are very moving.
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