Too short!
18 November 2012
The DVD for "Hollywood Cavalcade" has three very short special features included on the disc. Together, the three probably would have worked a bit better because they just weren't very complete on their own. However, they are still worth seeing--particularly if you are not familiar with the career of Buster Keaton or Fatty Arbuckle.

"Head Over Heels in Hollywood" is about a tiny portion of Buster Keaton's career. While it gives a bit of information about Keaton's career in silents, it's really about how this and his portrayal of himself in "Hollywood Cavalcade" are at odds with each other. For example, the film would make the viewer think that Keaton was known for pie fights--while this is NOT the sort of low comedy he did--he was MUCH more sophisticated and funny than a pie in the face. All in all, full of nice information as it relates to the movie but way, way too short. For a wonderful overview of Keaton's life and career, try to find a copy of Kevin Brownlow's great film "Buster Keaton: A Hard Act to Follow".
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