Somebody to talk to
21 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Psychiatrist Dr. Boyd Sherman's name appears on a list of people that Skynet is interested in but The Connors have no idea why; is he somebody they wish to protect because he is needed for Skynet's development or is he somebody they wish to eliminate? Until they find out they can't act so Sarah, John and Cameron pay him a visit posing as a family needing therapy… he quickly spots that they really do need to talk to somebody; especially John. The Connors aren't the only familiar characters to seek his help; Catherine Weaver seeks his assistance to determine what is wrong with her 'daughter' Savannah. She also tells him about a problem she is having with the AI program she is developing and he suggests a reason for it that none of her computer experts recognised… because the program is acting more like a child than a piece of software. Meanwhile Derek bumps into a familiar face; Jesse Flores a fellow soldier from the future… she is different from others we've seen though; she isn't on a mission she is AWOL.

This episode involves far more talking than action; much of it in Dr. Sherman's office as he tries to help both the Connors and the Weavers. Dorian Harewood does a decent job as the doctor although the real stars of the episode are Shirley Manson and Mackenzie Brooke Smith who play Catherine and Savannah Weaver; it was a fine bit of casting as they look enough alike to pass for mother and child. It was interesting to see Catherine, who we know is a machine, trying to understand her 'daughter' as well as her AI which is effectively another child. Catherine certainly seems to be the most human of the terminators making her an interesting character whose motives are still a mystery. The subplot involving Derek and Jesse didn't really go anywhere but it was a good introduction to a character I'm sure will be more important in future episodes. The episode isn't totally without action; they is an impressive fight between Cameron and another female terminator; this is both exciting and humorous as they take a brief break when other people enter the lift they were fighting in.
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