Review of Blitz

Blitz (2011)
Darwin In Action
22 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I almost went to catch BLITZ when it was released at the cinema but was totally snowed under at work . People who had seen it said they weren't keen on it but never seemed able to specify why they didn't like it . By the time I did manage to get time off work it had been and gone from the multiplex in less than the space of two weeks which is never a good sign . Regardless of this I made a point of looking out for it and saw it earlier this evening It gets off to a good start with some tough nut pulling out a hurling stick and giving some knife wielding chavs a violent beating . The problem with this is that they're all actors in a feature film rather than people involved in a fly on the wall documentary . If it had have been a fly on the wall documentary called VIOLENT SCUM GET NUTTED I would have given it 10 out out 10 for the title alone but a drama needs a plot anything involving a plot in BLITZ gets .... well blitzed due to some poor writing .

First of all a gay detective relates a story to his colleague of how despite the greatest effort of his force they couldn't convict a serial paedophile because " we couldn't catch him in the act and the kids were too traumatised to identify them " Hmmmm might it not be a good idea to use forensics for example ? Instead of that the gay detective goes round to the paedos house to give him a good beating to the genitals . Yeah sure you did . Maybe he did and that's why the paedo got off with it - police brutality during an arrest . I guess this scene was included so we'd feel sympathy for the coppers but there's something bizarrely not right with this scene

Next up a policeman gets shot dead by the eponymous Blitz possibly on the grounds that his grammar isn't 100 % Maybe not a good enough reason for killing someone - unless you come on to this site and notice the illiterate scribblings of some people online in which case murder is justified . Interesting that the police are unable to get any leads with this killing . I mean camp bloke wearing yellow sunglasses and a purple jacket shooting a cop in a busy street in broad daylight is rare . So rare you think the police might have asked eye witnesses if they'd seen something ? I mean it's not like Nuremberg where no one heard anything , saw anything or knew what was going on. No the cops confine their identification to looking through CCTV only to conclude " It's like he knows what cameras are working . We can't get an ID on this freak " . Well you could asked the hundred people walking down the street if they'd seen the suspect . They're not even trying . Hardly surprising since at least one of them's a smack-head and the rest have got a drink problem . Hardly surprising that Mr Blitz is the cleverest character in the film . So clever in fact that he knows the address of every police officer in London

It's easy to see why a lot of people were disappointed with BLITZ . Of course if you went in to the cinema wanting to see Stathem blow away villains left right and centre you can understand the disappointment but I doubt if anyone was expecting an action-fest and the top quality cast is what drew me to the film . Considine's gay detective is only gay because the screenplay says he's gay and could be by any slumming journeyman actor rather than Considine . David Morrisey seems cast to make everyone forget he was in BASIC INSTINCT 2 but best performance is by Aidan Gillen which isn't saying much and I do wish he had a bit more screen time , a screen time that is composed of giant plot holes and police procedures so ridiculous you'd think you're watching a film about Darwin in action

Perhaps the biggest disappointment is that BLITZ is close to being a very good cop thriller that Britain rarely makes . Director Elliot Lester shows a lot of competence such as the scene where a policewoman lies in a pool of blood and then the rain splatters on the ground and Stathem is amusing as he dishes out one liners with a wry sense of humour but BLITZ should have been better
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