Not Terrific But It Shows History
27 November 2012
Men of the Sky (1942)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

When people view films like this one today they're probably going to be offended by some of the racist comments but it's important to remember that this here is a product of its day and we were in the middle of WWII so the film did it's job at trying to build up hatred for the enemy. The film is certainly pretty generic in terms of its story but then again, the main goal was to get people to enlist and I'm sure many did so after seeing it. What we basically get is a propaganda film that tries to talk young men into joining the war, getting their "wings," fighting the enemy and making their parents proud. Again, it's impossible to watch this thing and try to take it serious today as many people are simply going to object to the message. I think the film remains watchable today thanks in large part to the fact that it's pretty much history as to how the country and Hollywood tried to sell the war to people. It's interesting hearing the words used, the patriotic nature and of course how they try to sell the good that comes from it.
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