This episode looks just like the 21st century
2 December 2012
At the heart of this episode is a future where skin deep is all that matters.Conformity is mandatory and everything is dumbed down.Never has The Twilight Zone portrayed the future more accurately than this. One of the best aspects of the show was an ability to present a cogent argument about what is normal anyway and why should it always be considered good? In some ways Marilyn Cuberle is like a daughter of the Serling written 'Obsolete Man'.Marilyn is interestingly caught between following the example of her free thinking late father and joining the 'normal'. Attributed to great sci-fi writer Charles Beaumont (suffering from Alzheimers by then), really written by John Tomerlin. I don't think anyone could satirize modern culture today better than this early Sixtie's vision of a youth obsessed world.
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