Review of Last Night

Last Night (I) (2010)
One night stand
5 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
An attractive young couple in Manhattan is preparing for a party at a business acquaintance of the husband's. Joanna senses an attraction Michael seems to have for a gorgeous co-worker. As they return home, a full confrontation ensues. Joanna feels Michel must have had a fling with Laura the last time both traveled to the West Coast for a business presentation, something he vehemently denies. Joanna gives him the benefit of the doubt as they eventually make up. In a way, Joanna compounds on the problem for whatever Michael has felt for Laura.

Massy Tadjedin, the talented director of "Last Night", obviously knows the people she is presenting in this intimate tale about human relations at a crucial moment in their young lives,. To complicate the situation, Alex, the former French lover of Joanna shows suddenly on the scene. Michael, out of town with a team that includes Laura, suddenly feels the loss of self-control. Joanna, suddenly, finds herself falling in the same situation she accused Michael of doing. Obviously, her love for Alex is still alive.

Ms. Tadjedin clearly understand what make these somewhat successful people become trapped in the situations they get involved in our modern times, where loyalty to one's married partner is taken for granted in our permissive society, where satisfaction to one's senses is dealt lightly, not taking in consideration of the hurt is causing on the other one.

An inspired casting of Keira Knightly is one of the reasons for watching this film. Ms. Knightly is at a good moment in her career. Her intelligent approach to her Joanna resonates with the viewer. Same could be said of the Michael of Sam Worthington, a handsome and virile presence in the movie. Michael has lots of doubts, feeling guilty in the step he is going to take. Guillaume Canet, the talented French actor-director, seems to be a bit uncomfortable with his Alex. Gorgeous Eva Mendes, not usually seen in dramatic roles, is a revelation as Laura.

Peter Deming, the director of photography, catches the somber night lights of the Manhattan where the story is set. Clint Mansell music scores creates a layer of texture in the film. One can only hope for future ventures of Massi Tadjedin.
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