Horrible morals, cool execution
5 December 2012
I recognize and admit that this is a good film, arguably even a great one. It has a very unique sense of humour, a visual style that's one of the few I've seen that manages to capture the essence of comic books and a character cast that's certainly memorable if not identifiable. That being said, I still loath this film. I do not like it. However, I have given it seven out of ten, because I can admit that the reason I don't like this film has nothing to do with its quality. Rather I hate its roster of characters, especially the main cast, and its morals.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a movie about a young man. The youngster in question isn't even that interesting. He's in a band, sure, but otherwise he's kind of a wimp. The kind of a nerd that other nerds will feel superior towards. Plus he's kind of an asshole, cheating behind the backs of his girlfriends just because he's too much of a coward or perhaps just too lazy to break up with them. He's not an admirable man, yet the whole movie revolves around him and his decisions. His "heroics". Now, some might claim that Scott is a perfect main character because of this, because he's the perfect everyman. Perhaps a bit of a pessimistic version of one, but still, he's very bland and normal, only the circumstances into which he is thrust upon are extraordinary. I however argue that a) he's an asshole and not at all likable, and b) movie's are supposed to inspire us, to show us something that we don't see in our everyday life.

At this point someone will argue that not every film has to be all about moral triumph and the nobleness of human mind. And that person would be right. I'm not claiming that my viewpoints have any kind of superiority here, they're only my personal take on this film. But I think that my viewpoints have relevance as they're one way to look at this film, a rather rare way from what I've gathered, but a way nonetheless. And sometimes the more extreme opinions, the rarer ones, are the ones worth sharing.

But as I've said, this is not a bad film. It has style, its actions scenes are some of the best there are, its dialogue is very fast-paced and brimmed with jokes and double meanings. And while I think that most characters in this film aren't pretty loathsome human beings, I cannot claim that they do not feel realistic. Their behaviour is sometimes very outlandish and caricature-like, but beneath all that they're still just like people that I've met and known in real life. The morals and worldviews of this film are pretty horrible, but perhaps the reason I hate the film so much is because the message hits so close to home. It's quite possible that I just don't want to face the truth.

So yeah, in the end I feel that I have to recommend this film to you. I personally don't like it, but it's just me. Love it or hate it, you at least owe it to yourselves to see this film and form your own opinions.
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