Chasing UFOs (2012– )
I actually Like this show
7 December 2012
Some of you on this site usually quickly go and talk a bunch of crap about certain shows. This is a new show, It's there to entertain people. And some people on here tend to misquote what is said on these shows as if you weren't even paying much attention at all. Now I like this show, of course it's not going to show anything that's real because no one has proof of anything that's real and that is considered aliens to us besides weird metals. And some say that if these are "real UFO sightings" then why were they not in the news..Even if there was a real UFO sighting I doubt it would be in any news format out there besides a sci fi one because a lot of people these days are too into hearing about what celebrity is wearing what and all that stuff.

It's a TV show - Every TV show on the planet is faked besides some nature shows. This is "Reality TV". Most "reality TV" shows are scripted in some way or the other. Me and a bunch of other people like this show because we find it entertaining. I watch many shows, from Elementary, Merlin all the way to Duck Dynasty - If you don't find something entertaining then don't watch it - Don't talk crap about it. People do work hard on things to entertain people that appreciate them.
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