The Twilight Zone: The Bewitchin' Pool (1964)
Season 5, Episode 36
Aunt Ti's home for the unloved
8 December 2012
Dee Hartford and Tod Andrews are a pair of rich parents who are constantly quarreling and as a result their kids Mary Badham and Jeffrey Byron are left pretty much to themselves. One day a strange Huckleberry Finn type kid played by Kim Hector shows up in their swimming pool out of nowhere and asks them to dive in because he's going to take them to a magical place where kids can laugh and play all day. Who could resist an invitation like that at age 11 or 12.

They dive in and come up in a swimming hole where a whole flock of kids just look like they're having a great old time. It's all presided over by a kindly old woman Aunt Ti played by Georgia Simmons who got the career role of her life.

This is a place where the unwanted kids have a portal open to them and can stay forever should they choose. Badham and Byron have a bit of deciding to do.

This Twilight Zone episode was one of the most imaginative ever done in the series and it's a great one to end the series run. I saw it as a kid and never forgot it. Good thing that The Twilight Zone was so popular and I could see it over and over.

Never miss this one if broadcast.
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