Decent Holiday Short
14 December 2012
Cabbage Patch Kids' First Christmas (1984)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Decent Christmas special has the Cabbage Patch Kids learning about the holiday for the first time. Fearing they won't find the Christmas spirit in their yard, the kids travel to the city to locate it when they happen upon an orphan trying to be adopted as well as three thieves trying to harm them. CABBAGE PATCH KIDS' FIRST Christmas is mainly going to appeal to fans of the dolls because most others probably won't find too much charm here. I think at 23-minutes the movie remains entertaining from start to finish but there's really nothing overly special here to make someone, other than fans, watch it a second time. For the most part the animation was quite good and especially the look of the children. I can vaguely remember the dolls from when I was a child and I thought the filmmakers captured the looks quite well. The biggest problem is that the adventure itself just doesn't have enough going for it to really carry the entire film. Everything's pretty predictable as you'd expect and without any major laughs or heartwarming scenes, this here just remains watchable without coming close to being a classic.
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