I normally like Bollywood films but just couldn't take this one....
15 December 2012
I have seen far more Bollywood films than the average American, though I am far from an expert on these movies. For a change of pace, I thought I'd try watching an older Indian film--to see what they looked like decades ago (most Indian films available in the US are much more recent).

"An Evening in Paris" is about a couple of Indian ladies who, not surprisingly, go to Paris. However, one is very tired of men wanting her for her money, so she poses as the other's maid. Lots of kooky adventures, romance, a kidnapping and humor (such as it is) results. Other than the nice scenery, there really isn't a lot I liked about this film. The acting is just awful---very, very, very broad and the director seemed to encourage the actors to really ham it up for the audience. Subtle, this certainly isn't!! As a result, nothing about the film worked for me--it was so fake and plastic that I got VERY tired of the film and couldn't take it after a while. About the only thing I like about the film are a few of the musical numbers. While the sound quality of the songs is bad, they were catchy and easy to enjoy. I also liked some of the location shots during these songs--particularly the one in the Swiss Alps. Perhaps all this would play better for someone more familiar with and forgiving of the genre--I just thought it was rather dumb. Plus, how did so many Indians just happen to be in Paris?! I was there a few months back and didn't see Indians cavorting and singing anywhere in the city limits! Just my two cents worth.
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