May this force hopefully not be with ya
16 December 2012
This is quite possibly one of the worst put together movies I've ever seen. And why do I say "Put together?" Anyone? Because that's just what I mean. It's as if certain scenes were just added, and just pushed anywhere, or crammed, whatever. Talk about Z grade. This one makes Sweet Karma look genuinely good. At least we have some nice naked titties, as seen in the opening credits, where a dancer satisfies the viewer's eye, as we cut back and forth to a guy, getting worked over. The nice looking women are the best thing, the only thing in this dreck. Nick, a bad arse, into selling drugs, girls, using his strip place as a front, also, if you can believe this, teaches a karate class for kids. Good on ya, Nick. Nick, his girls always eager to supply his sexual yearns and desires, has his own special honey, only sweet SIXTEEN, he keeps as a pet, where as she occupies herself with puzzles, magazines, eating different cereals, whatever. Bored with this, and Nick's constant absence, she turns to sniffing coke. Nick, whose got a few hassles, has a recurring pain in the arse in the form of men, who are trying to get our underage girl back to Daddy, where they keep ending up statistics. Nick's really good with his hands, in many ways. The latest guy who's sent to get the girl was trained by the same guy who trained Nick, where may'be Nick has met his match. We have bad cops leaning on Nick, plus a rival mob boss with fine tastes, who Nick is stalling to pay, where the bad cops are sent in to fix this problem, which Nick himself takes care of, which really means one less bad cop. The violence is so unrealistic and laughable, especially in CU-I had to ask myself, "Are you f.....g kidding me?" Apparently, "No" As in some of the acting, it's passable, some dialogue laughable, where in some other cases the lines are purposely humorous, some are actually quite intelligent. But this whole movie is a mess of scenes. Hopefully to budding filmmakers out there, in reference, watch this to see how not to make a movie like this, but if you're using this mess as a reference how to make one, give this view a miss, totally, cause if you do, god help ya, with your first flick.
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