Sadly it's a case of not as good as your told on the media!!!
14 December 2012
Loathed that I am to say this...but this sadly is NOT one of the best efforts Jeremy and good old James May have put together...Hammond is not around, he actually adds something to the trio on normal occasions...So the don't believe the hype that has been going on all the radio the TV shows...and anywhere else where you get free time to PUSH your product...Just because they team up...spend lots of money going sideways around a track and destroying tyres in 25 minutes does not make this a GREAT DVD...I fell asleep so did not even see the end, my dog woke me as there was white noise from the DVD player...I am grateful that I did not get this for an Xmas present...no I was able to source from other areas...if you have money to spend, buy a round of drinks...look at the TOP GEAR shows...it will make much more sense...and best of all this less than exciting DVD wont be in the rack gathering dust...You have not missed anything at all...trust me I still love the TOP GEAR programmes... will still avidly watch there new show coming soon on the good old BBC...
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