Vintage W3 at it's best, memorable and unique.
15 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler/plot- TNOT Underground Terror, 68. Take aim on crime with two-fisted action man ladies' man- James T. West and his partner, the multi-talented master of disguise & weapons- Artemus Gordon. Join them as they ride from coast to coast in a customized for their work railroad car that contains high-tech weapons and inventive gadgets, called 'The Wanderer'. Our agents must rescue a sadistic prison commandant and recover his hidden gold before former inmates exact vengeance upon him.

*Special Stars- Robert Conrad, Ross Martin, Nehemiah Persoff, Jeff Corey.

*Theme- Be careful of who are your associates, they could come back to haunt you.

*Trivia/location/goofs- Air date 1-19-68. Takes place in Mardi Gras, New Orleans. The extremely large Mardi Gras parade float set pieces are impressive and are probable re-purposed from another W3 episode. The sailing ship float looks like the large artillery piece from the episode, TNOT Falcon. The Ante-Bellum estate used is the same one for Big Valley's- Barkley Ranch, also on the CBS lot. This episode features the James West's tight stirrup pants ripping exposing his white 20th century briefs and then his pants magically mending itself in the same fight sequence. The swiveling top round coffee table in the railroad car trick is used in this story. During the 50's Jeff Corey was caught-up in the Hollywood blacklist matters. He has become a well respected acting teacher in Hollywood.Mr. Conrad's short stature/height for a leading man (5'7") was compensated for with shoe 'lifts' in his boots, casting short stunt people, and short leading ladies. In fact his show was known for needing so many short stature love-interest roles for women among females actresses, it became a staple for actresses in Hollywood.

*Emotion- I was very impressed by the 'Brotherhood' scenario plot line. The guest star lead villain's performance is unforgettable with two extremely talented actors; Persoff and Corey. These actors have consistently presented viewers with solid, interesting and colorful fleshed-out roles. The inclusion of the Brotherhood members spiced-up the drama. This is vintage W3 at it's best, memorable and unique.
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