Should Be Called A History Of Human Warfare
18 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much more in human history than warfare. There is the arts and sciences, inventions, and discoveries. They seem to take their time and fully detail all the war scenes but only make a passing reference to the Renaissance, Enlightenment, the rise of civilizations in Mesopotamia and India, the invention of the alphabet, mathematics, astronomy, telegraph, light bulb, the discovery of electricity. They seem to only mention subjects like the Iron Age and the Industrial Revolution if it relates back to their war scenes.

Their resource persons seem to tell us things that we already know like it's hard to sail 1000 miles or stealing land will cause war. With the budget that History Channel has you would think that they could hire someone who can offer a different point of view or a deeper explanation.

If you want to know more about history other than warfare there are plenty of not only free but better documentaries on Youtube.
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