More painful to watch than having fingernails peeled off with pliers
21 December 2012
This movie is pretty horrendous. It is less entertaining than a 60 Minutes special report. It is so painfully slow, there is virtually no action--so it's value as an action movie is zero. For a movie, it plain sucks. It is so boring. For a documentary...it still sucks. It is so boring. The political agenda is so flagrant that you want to vomit. It's released for the presidential election; it opens with clips of Obama debating with various Republicans. It takes the time to show a quote of Romney saying how it's not worth it to move heaven and earth to catch one man. Really?? What the hell does that have anything to do with anything...except as some pathetic Hollywood endorsement of Obama. The movie tries to make Obama out to be the hero and the SEALs were just along for the ride. What's with all the Republican bashing? It's sad and pathetic. Boring, political advertisement.
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