Dinosaurs: Refrigerator Day (1991)
Season 2, Episode 12
A Holly Jolly Fridge Day!
21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever wondered how the dinosaurs celebrated Christmas? Trick question, they didn't. There was no Christmas back then, because Jesus wasn't born yet. However, there was another festive holiday they celebrated that was virtually the same thing, only with no religious overtones: Refrigerator Day! Honoring the day that the greatest invention of all time came to be. Things were certainly cheery at the Sinclair household, because Earl has squandered all their money on presents, but he's optimistic about getting his Fridge Day bonus to cover the bills. So after Fran puts him on a forced fast, to remind him of what their ancestors went through before cold storage, Earl heads off to work. As he watched Roy eat and wished he were doing the same, Earl is bellowed into Richfield's trailer, which looks unusually cheery and welcome, and Mr. Richfield has become kind and generous. It seems the spirit of the season has reached even the coldest of beings... no, it was just Earl daydreaming. So he's called into Richfield's trailer for reals, and the boss gives him some pencils to sharpen. Earl broaches the question of bonuses and, I'll bet we all knew this was coming, Richfield drops a bombshell by saying there would be no Fridge Day bonuses. His reason being because Earl was expecting it, and therefore it would be considered pay. Oh dear, now the Sinclairs would be broke for the holidays. However Charlene points out that as long as they got presents, there isn't much of a problem. Earl's solution is to make the bill collectors wait as he's sure understand in light of the holiday season.

Yeah, right! The Sinclair refrigerator is repossessed not long after, so their holiday is going to be pretty bleak, it seems. After watching a devastated Earl suffer without a fridge, the rest of the family tries to come up with a way of getting the fridge back. Fran suggests they take their presents back to the store to get back their money to buy the fridge. A very foreign concept, but at this point, they'll try anything. So Fran, Robbie and Charlene bring their wrapped gifts back to Kave Mart in an attempt to get back their money. The managers, Richard and Hank, and his assistant can't make heads nor tails of what they're trying to do, and can only suggest that they buy back the products for less than they're worth. With no other alternative, they accept the offer and can only buy a padlocked Styrofoam cooler. This does little to boost Earl's spirits, so he asks Baby to hit him with a pot, but he acknowledges that gag is getting old. Thankfully, Ethyl and her walking stick would always be there for him. Always the optimist, Fran suggests they carry on with tradition by putting on their Refrigerator Day family pageant. Earl would rather go to the garage and hang himself, but finds that would be counterproductive, so he reluctantly joins in the pageant which details the long ago days of when dinosaurs were constantly on the move to find food and shelter, until one day when the father of the family (Earl) is told by a mysterious voice to build a box that is cold inside, and so they commence to building the box, but are baffled as to how to make it cold inside. They discover a plug on the back and insert it into a wall socket... electricity did exist in those days, but nothing else, I guess. Anyway, the refrigerator was born and now settling down was a possibility. Following the pageant comes a Refrigerator Day miracle! Richard and Hank come into the house with the Sinclair's refrigerator! Apparently their boss liked the idea of a return policy, and to make it worth their while, give back the presents they tried to exchange, install snow machines on the roof, and even get Earl his bonus! All they ask in return is for them to sign away the idea and pretend it was never their's. So in the end, everybody got what they wanted, and it was a happy Fridge Day after all.

The first and only Refrigerator Day episode of Dinosaurs, and it follows the familiar clichés as modern day Christmas specials, such as no bonus, the family facing hardships and somebody saying, "this is the worst (insert holiday name) ever," and a miracle occurs that makes everything alright. Great episode of a great show! Great to watch around the holiday season or any time of the year. Refrigerator Day, a non-offensive holiday with no set domination... unless there were oven worshippers and you light the burners instead of a menorah? But anyway, I recommend Refrigerator Day and have a happy holiday season!
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