Super Cyclone (2012 Video)
More like Super-catastrophic Cyclone
26 December 2012
I was curious and had little else to do, so I tuned in to Super Cyclone, not expecting much but at least some watchability. In evaluation there is nothing really watchable about Super Cyclone. If there are two things at all that sank Super Cyclone the most, I have to most definitely agree with that it was the special effects and the acting. Okay I knew the special effects were not going to be great, they rarely are in low-budget movies, but you do expect to see some kind of effort. These efforts actually look as though they weren't even trying, everything looked cheap and unfinished and even when against the choppy editing and dully lit settings they looked incredibly fake. If you are looking for the worst representation of rain in any movie, look no further than Super Cyclone. And no I'm not kidding. The acting is some of the worst I've ever seen, I have to agree that to call the acting terrible is an insult to the word terrible. The only person to actually looks as though they are trying is Ming-Na, and she's only okay here.

The story is another major disadvantage in Super Cyclone. No surprises, no suspense, no thrills, no sense of fun are to be found in the entire movie, considering that these are what makes a good disaster movie to say that this was a major problem is being too generous. There are far too many frustratingly stupid or insultingly unrealistic moments, it is paced in a pedantic fashion, the disaster scenes are so lifelessly done and predictable and the emotional moments are very forced, giving you little more than a who cares? vibe. The characters are stereotypical(all the disaster movie clichés and done terribly), are too bland in development to be remotely relateable to any audience and are made to do obnoxious things that not only makes you hate the character but also makes the scene further unbelievable until it was so hard to stomach. Then there is the dialogue which reeks of cheese and awkwardness, flat direction and very generic music. In conclusion, the only thing that is a disaster is the movie itself. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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