Robotboy (2005–2008)
An animated show that was difficult to decide if it was good or bad. (A review from an ex-fan of Robotboy)
27 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to go through with lots of words for you to understand the difficulties of this show that became pretty popular but having problems with those who called it a rip-off. My English isn't 100% perfect but hopefully you understand.

First off I'm going to give my opinion about the setting of the show: The Show and the Robot: This used to be my number 1 favorite show when I was younger about when I was 12 years old and when I saw the very first episode on CN I felt in love with Robotboy immediately. But the biggest reason why I watched Robotboy was because of Robotboy himself. His cute design and when he super-activated to use it for more superior battles, I loved the design of his third alternative mode. I never wanted to miss one episode, and yes I became a huge fan of Robotboy and wanted to draw him and talk about him with my friends. At the same time it was only a matter of time when I got to find out that the show was ironically disliked somewhere 2008 or 2009. I can tell you, it wasn't the best cartoon of all time. In fact there were a lot of flaws in the show and sometimes I'm wondering if the creators and animators were stressed during on working on the episodes.

The characters: The main characters were good except for one character that all of us fans including me despised a lot: Gus who IMO was very irritating to have and they should've removed him right at the beginning of the show. He was nothing but a good-for-nothing. But I can understand that the show was aimed for children and the creators probably thought that it would've been necessary to have an irritating friend to ruin the plans, the seriousness of the show and to make the children laugh at Gus whenever he entered some of his unlucky moments. Nuff Said.

Tommy was the perfect kid but I always felt bad for him to have a family who didn't understand him well at the times which also was one of the flaws of the show. If only his parents (especially his sport-crazy dad) understood him for once! His big brother was also unnecessary to have.

Lola was also great and she was definitely a necessary character. Although there have been questions about what country Lola is from in the beginning. I'm not sure but I also want make sure that there is no racism in this show.

The bullies were pretty much stereotypical to become bad people to Tommy.

The villains: The villains were varied many times and I believe that the only great villain on this show was Robotboy's big brother Protoboy. He was serious and really wanted to get rid of Robotboy once and for all after when he technically got destroyed by Robotboy on a fight but then returned with absolutely no explanation how he survived or got repaired (another flaw.)

But what about the art of the show? The art direction was pretty cheap if you look at it. I don't mean to be disrespectful but the setting on the town and other environments had simple looks.

The Jokes: There wasn't so many funny jokes on this show, they didn't make sense sometimes and was crude at the times.

The episodes: Many episodes were pretty much the same about something bad happens and Robotboy is there and kick the villain's butts. Now many people are wondering what exactly made the show so popular. It was because of Protoboy but mostly known was: Robotgirl a female version of Robotboy. I had nothing against her at all she was cute but I can understand that many fans wanted to see her in many other episodes, sadly she didn't. And what's worse is that she didn't appear until the second last episode. If only she appeared on the other episodes before the second last.

Now I'm going to give you the info's about the rip-offs people believed and how I got through with Robotboy. This year I felt a little bit ashamed of liking Robotboy after all the bad critics it has received and many pointless thoughts written by haters who should rather ignore instead of trolling on the web about how awful the show was for them. Trust me, I have seen many haters and they disgust me. I can understand that people compared this show to other shows such as: Astro Boy, Megaman, MLAATR and even Fosters (the biggest controversy about Fosters was because of the design between Tommy and Mac.) Come on people and haters maybe these were the creator's inspirations and tried to create them all into one show (except for Fosters which was only one inspiration). It might look like a child version of MLAATR but there are differences trust me. Don't watch this show if you believe this contains many rip-offs and plagiarism from other shows since this isn't so popular anymore except on Deviant Art were there are awesome arts based on Robotboy. Robotboy inspired me to create videos to YouTube and use clips from different episodes and put them together to become music videos and mash-ups.

Am I protecting the show? No, I don't watch Robotboy anymore but I feel so bad about how the show came to a bad end. I'm neither forcing you to watch this show, this isn't for teens neither adults, try to remember that this show and its characters, the setting and the stories are aimed for young children. Do yourself a favor: Take a look at the show whenever you have time with your children and try to find out if you find it appropriate for your children. Its not be greatest cartoon of all time but not the worst either. I hope you understood this message and have a great day.
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