'White Christmas': A Look Back with Rosemary Clooney was a nice look back at that movie with the last surviving of the leading cast members from it
28 December 2012
Yesterday, I got out my DVD of White Christmas and watched the extras on it of which this was one of them. When this was made, Ms. Rosemary Clooney was the last survivor of the four stars-Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, and Vera-Ellen having passed by this time-in this picture and so she got to reminisce about her times with them along with supporting players Dean Jagger, Mary Wickes, director Michael Curtiz, and songwriter Irving Berlin. One particular amusing incident concerned Bing's not hanging around for the king and queen of some other country to reenact the picture's last number for them while everyone else lip-synced to the "White Christmas" number having just finished filming it. It's on the picture's DVD and it's worth watching if you're interested. Oh, and I also watched a couple of extras on the Holiday Inn one-A Couple of Song and Dance Men with producer Ken Barnes and Fred Astaire's daughter Ava telling of the lives and career's of Bing and Fred and how they intertwined and All Singing - All Dancing which has Barnes telling of the early sound techniques in motion pictures before discussing a particular number from Holiday Inn that demonstrates how different this scene sounds with and without Fred's taps. Neither are listed on this site but those are highly recommended too.
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