29 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Although I didn't expect this film to be a top-notch horror flick, the more that I watched it, the less that I liked it. There were a few decent, if predictable moments, but for the most part, I found it to be more annoying that frightening or engrossing. The acting was passable, and the female lead, Ashley Wood, is physically quite lovely. Overall, however, I felt that the movie tried to introduce too many questions. Are there actual Sasquatches? Are they benign creatures that feel threatened by the intrusion of humans in their habitat or environment, or are they actually predatory and dangerous? Those questions could have been posed, and plausibly, to help the movie along. But when the bright lights began to presage or herald the presence of a creature, or creatures, that turned out NOT to be Sasquatches, the movie lost me. Were these supposed to be "spirit lights", which the Sasquatches were supposed to guard and protect mankind from and against? If so, they did a pretty lousy job of it.

The impression that I got from the movie was that there were two species of woodlands beasts; the Sasquatches, and this mysterious other creature, which was shown to have hooves as opposed to hominid feet. My guess is that the true villain and threat in the movie came in the form of another mythical creature, the Wendigo, which is purportedly possessed of hoof-like feet, and is also supposed to be quite large.

Whatever the case, if this was a "Sasquatch versus Wendigo, which one is it?" type movie, it failed fairly miserably, in my estimation. There were too many elements for which there wasn't even a hint of plausible explanation as to what was actually going on.

Were there Sasquatches? The movie would suggest that there were, given that the female lead states at one point during the movie that she felt no menace when she was picked up and carted off by some mysterious creature. She says that she felt as though the creature, whatever it was, was trying to keep her from harm, rather than trying to harm her. When she does eventually get picked off, we see for the first time, the hooves of the creature that does do her in. The hooves are seen again at the very end of the movie; they are clearly not the feet of a hominid.

So, was the menace a Wendigo? Who knows? Was it some space alien crytpid, whose presence was heralded by the intense white light evinced whenever it appeared to wreak mayhem and carnage? Again, who knows? In any case, I found myself not really caring one way or the other by the end of the movie.
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