30 December 2012
OK so i am 12 and love Thomas but at this cinema vue in Southampton things were terrible i saw the advert went hey looks good but as soon as it started buzz goes my mind i mean the Americans really copied us this time the film Thomas and the magic railroad had a collapsing bridge

well in the old model TV series the incline doesn't talk only cranky/Collin are moving big things talking until Merrick somewhat appears after 5 years of animated series at the quarry then going back in 1984 Caroline a talking car so happens to be copied by Americans into Winston NEXT IS Luke!!!so in 1998 smugger was in fear of being sent away so why not base our story on him...or even put him back there as himself as a cameo or a generator like he got into and back out...

wow i loved Thomas then this fake film came out. oh wait rocky why not have Harvey and the breakdown train anymore sheep are eating the grass out this movie if Thomas productions see this email me on my you tube loud5videos and id buy the Thomas models off you and make episodes my self with my uncle...... don't see this fail movie
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