Disappointing and full of bugs
30 December 2012
As a fan of the AC-series I was looking forward to the first game for the Playstation Vita; see how the franchise would tickle the possibilities of the hand-held device. But the result is in fact a disappointing piece of a fast and unfinished production that, very likely, had to be finished for Christmas. No matter of ready or not.

You'll get thrown into the story without any sort of introduction to the situation or the characters. Extremely fast and uncomfortable and that is also the main problem of the storytelling with all of its symptoms. There are many logical errors and many unsolved questions throughout the game, including a mysterious family tragedy about girl between two worlds and the connection to templars and assassins. Some parts of the story are told straight, some parts confusing and not really satisfying.

The game play lacks in so many points, that I don't know where to start. There is no possibility of upgrading armor and weapons, but therefore a strange trading system. The idea might be nice, but it works not well and there is just one single location in the whole game you can use. A situation that becomes even worse because of the countless bugs of "Liberation". For example getting a blind map though you already discovered the whole area. Guards recognize you though you status is absolutely discreet and it happens more than once, that the game crashes. Or as reported, it may happen that your savings mysteriously got lost.

I will not kill the whole game. Indeed of the errors and the lack of storytelling, there is atmosphere and some kind of entertaining suspense. And because the player is controlling a girl, the game play offers some interesting features like playing different social roles. But don't expect these features will help you to overlook the poor quality.
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