Crawlspace (II) (2012)
Don't crawl in front of this movie.
3 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers

1: The plot. Starts off interesting with a bunch of soldiers sent to a top secret underground compound to extract the lead science team but quickly falls apart as the story unravels into a series of dull twists and loses the viewers interest long before the finale. What I had hoped would be a claustrophobic Aliens type movie quickly descended into an evil scientist/ psychic warfare bore-athon with tedious scenes of crawling around vents of varying width before we get a literally head popping final confrontation between crazed psychic, evil scientist and brainwashed soldier leading to crazed psychic escaping a grenade blast despite being two feet away and blowing up a nearby town or compound or whatever with her mind. Meh

2: The character named four pack. When I saw him first I thought he looked like a guy who should be in a biker bar than an elite military unit, as the film progressed it annoyed me even more, surely an elite soldier should be ripped fit and young but this guy is so out of shape he can barely crawl through a vent. Add the fact he is also a total idiot who contributes to his own death by being defiant to his aggressor instead of playing along and perhaps living to fight another day. It only made sense to me during the end credits why this actor was cast……….he's also one of the movies writers.

3: Unsympathetic characters. The Romeo character played by Ditch Davey is the lead in this movie and I guess we are meant to care most about him but his character is just a run of the mill grunt whose plight I did not care for, that's the problem with this movie, its impossible to care about it.

4:What was in the body bag Eve opened after killing her attacker with her psychic powers?, she screamed in horror but we never see at what or else I just zoned out. Or was the creature she saw in her end flashback the thing in the bag maybe?


1: Amber Clayton. She's hot like a more beautiful Kate Bosworth. Her character was annoying though especially for the latter half of movie.

2: There was a big gorilla type monster chasing our heroes early on leading me to believe more was to come, how wrong I was.

Overall : like an average Stargate episode if Stargate had gore.
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