Home Improvement: Neighbors (1999)
Season 8, Episode 20
The Grass is Not Always Greener.
3 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Who'd have thought Tim and Wilson could one day be enemies? Well, through the power of contrivance and a bad script, it can be done. So as we begin, Tim and Brad go to a Red Wings game and invite Wilson because they had forgotten his birthday. So as the Taylor men try to watch the game, Wilson recites his knowledge of the history of hockey. At the end of the quarter, a surprise give-away is announced, along with the winning seat number. Guess who was sitting in said seat? Wilson! Of course, due to his generous nature, he was willing to share the prize with Tim who bought the tickets, and with Brad who switched seats with him, but Tim stands firm that the prize is all Wilson's. As they ponder what the prize is, it's announced on the jumbo-tron that Wilson has received a big-ass check for $10,000! So, Tim and Brad bitch about it when they get home, despite the fact Wilson was more than willing to share. Speaking of whom, he visits the Taylors that night carrying a stack of books, both to hide his face and to introduce a plot point: with his prize money, he wants to build a greenhouse. Naturally, Tim has to jump in and suggest it be a Tool Time project, and Wilson agrees for some reason. So, onto the show: it's Gardening Week on Fool Time as Tim introduces Wilson and the greenhouse project. The two begin to quarrel about design choices, as Wilson wanted to go with his own, but Tim wanted the standard. They bicker, Tim overreacts as only he can, and Wilson bails. I don't blame him.

Tim goes home and complains about Wilson's plans. He's upset because of the size of the greenhouse his neighbor wants, but then when has size bothered Tim? But, deciding to take the childish approach, he installs a blinding light on the roof and shines it directly into Wilson's yard. Wilson states the obvious, that Tim is being petty, and says he will build in HIS yard what he darn well pleases. So the big idiot takes his lights inside to adjust them, and Jill points out that Wilson is Tim's best friend and this whole petty quarrel is jeopardizing that friendship. Though she's not a very good psychologist, Jill does recognize the reason for Tim's disdain about the greenhouse: it would take up the yard all the way to the fence, so he wouldn't be able to go out there and talk to Wilson. Um...just install a back door to the greenhouse? But the fence is symbolic. Anyway, Tim relents, shuts off the lights and he and Wilson talk. Turns out the design Tim had earlier knocked was drawn by Wilson's late wife. It was a dream of her's. Yep, they're pulling the dead wife card. So they make amends, they're best buds again, except now they nothing to talk about at the ol' fence, so Wilson decides not to build a greenhouse after all and Tim takes down his lights and... shines them in Al's window at night for the hell of it.

Oh, Neighbors, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways: Number 1: horrible script by Drew Levin. Among the worst written episodes of the entire series! They used the contrived, cliché sitcom "give away" plot point, and Wilson wins due to switching seats. Who didn't see that coming?! Also, Tim being unethically, shamelessly mean. He acted horribly to Wilson and Al, and for what? Because he couldn't get over himself about Wilson's choice for the greenhouse? It was his greenhouse, his choice! Tim was just being a big baby! Oh, and there was a B plot about Mark trying to hit on some girl, but it never went anywhere! Plus a stupid, contrived plot, kitschy resolution: the dead wife card, they just make amends like that and forget everything, and instead of ending on that note, they had to force in another joke: lights in Al's bedroom. I mean, WHAT? I hated how many jokes had to be crammed into this thing, as well as more gags about going out of the way to hide Wilson's face. Number 2: bad directing. But to be fair, it was Pat Richardson's directorial debut and she had very little to work with, so she tried. I'll give her that. And Number 3: bad performances. Everybody just phoned it in! Unacceptable! This was garbage. I couldn't hate this episode more. Skip it.
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