Review of Vibrations

Vibrations (1996 Video)
My Favorite Movie Ever
5 January 2013
I LOVE this movie. Yes it's low budget, yes the fashion/script/and some of the music is incredibly cheesy and laughable, but that's part of the beauty of it that people don't see. It's kind of like one of those "so-bad-it's-good" films but a lot of things about it aren't bad, they're great, which is what makes this my favorite movie ever. I LOVE the plot. It's original, it's exciting..I laugh constantly throughout this movie but when he wakes up in that first rave I always dance on my couch and you can feel the energy of how that would appear to an outsider not knowing that world existed. When Fierce Ruling Diva comes on I always tear up because I love what the rave scene was about and that was such a powerful and pretty spot on moment...and then some of the music I just cringe and laugh at how terribly cheesy it is. While the film does try to throw around too many "buzz" words like vibes and grooves constantly and it makes the script clumsy and funny, I also can't help but find it endearing because this film, unlike other rave films, actually tries to embody what the rave scene used to be about, besides music and partying. For many it was also about being a better person and being kind/caring about others. This movie is amazing on so many different levels, from different angles. Not for the average movie watcher..I think to love it you have love electronic music and have some idea of "the scene" and you have to have the ability to find humor in things that aren't meant to be funny. If you have those 2 things, then this is the greatest film you will ever see.
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