One of my favourites.
5 January 2013
Les has guts! I have watched as many of his shows as possible and am in awe of him for the situations he has put himself into. Risking true danger in places like Africa (and large predators) and northern Canada (and large predators) and South America (and large predators) not to mention places with poisonous snakes, bad bugs, and fish that bite! I don't know how long he can do this without befalling some misfortune. I do think he puts himself at great risk, much more so than any of the other survival programs out there. I find his episodes very entertaining as well as educational. I enjoy having the opportunity to see these strange and exotic places, Les visits, in an entirely different light than we would get from watching other shows. The amount of work required to do his own self filming burns many additional calories a day which is likely not appreciated by many viewers.
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