Daria: I Loathe a Parade (2000)
Season 4, Episode 6
Daria's mission to buy lavatory paper!
11 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After an incident with some chilli Jake is stuck in the lavatory without any paper; Daria agrees to go to the shop to buy some... if she is quick she will get a twenty dollar bonus. It shouldn't be a problem but it is the day of a parade and the shop is on the wrong side of the street. Having made her purchase Daria bumps into Jane who is waiting for Tom, she then continues on her way and finds a lost child who she once babysat for and Tom. Even Daria can't leave a lost child so, with Tom's help, they try to get the boy back to his parents. As they attempt to get the boy to his parents we see many regular characters who are taking part in the parade; a parade that inevitably goes wrong.

This episode was consistently funny throughout and it was nice to see that Daria's relationship with Tom has changed; she clearly didn't like him when Jane starting dating him but now she is actually able to have an enjoyably time with him. Any school parade in a comedy is inevitably going to be compared to that in 'Animal House'; thankfully this didn't feel like it was trying to copy that; when things went wrong here it was down to chance not deliberate action.
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