Where is the photo of two of the perpetrators?
12 January 2013
So Jane Graham appears in this film, but they don't ask her about the two perpetrators of the bombing, who she saw in the building twice, on the two days before the bombing, and then saw, by accident, on television, walking in front of the cameras, right in front of the Murrah Building? Jane Graham gave video testimony to this effect, in great detail, in the video 'Coverup in Oklahoma', where she holds a photograph of a screen grab of that video of two of the perpetrators. She talks for almost one hour, in two interviews, about those two perpetrators. Their photo is very clearly shown both at 47:10 and at the very end of 'Coverup in Oklahoma' - so why does A Noble Lie not mention these two murderers? Why didn't Alex Jones ask Jane Graham about these two perpetrators when he interviewed her? Therefore, you can take 'A Noble Lie' as a REAL 'noble lie', it is disinformation, designed to allow the perpetrators to go free, because we have VIDEO evidence of who they are, yet these two men have never been arrested or charged.
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