Review of Range War

The Monroes: Range War (1966)
Season 1, Episode 15
It's Mapoy vs. Wales
12 January 2013
A fight is brewing between Mapoy and Wales. The ironic thing is the initial fight had nothing to do with either patriarch. When Billy Dan (the one I mentioned was the 'decent' one in an earlier episode...I just may have to take those words back now) harasses Kathleen in town, Ruel Jaxon comes to her defense. As a result, Jonah and Billy Dan are shot. Hence a fight breaks out...

Throughout the entire episode, Clayt insists that his family is not involved. This is a bit untrue since it's his family's business that started all this...But then I suppose it quickly moved on from there.

I like Ruel Jaxon, and I think Major Mapoy was a bit cruel to quickly hold Ruel to blame for all the trouble.

The ending to this shows who's the better man. I thought it was very un-kind of Wales to cheat like he did...Shows the coward he is!

This was the third episode involving the Wales.
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