Food Matters (2008)
Poorly made, and just as poorly founded
14 January 2013
Don't waste your time. Aside from being a poorly made, tedious documentary, I can't seem to find any evidence supporting the very outlandish claims that the people interviewed make--I can, however, find plenty of evidence that contradicts these claims. And I don't know about you but I'm going to need a good amount of evidence that someone lost 15 lbs in one day and didn't die, and that Vitamin C can cure cancer. They do make some points that seem okay like eat vegetables, take your vitamins etc. but who didn't already know that?

What little evidence that does come up is not verified by the documentary at all, the viewer is left on their own to find it, and for all the major points that the doc makes I cannot find anything(with the exception of Linus Pauling's study on vit c done back in 1968, but it has been contradicted many times since (see the citations on the wikipedia pg of Linus Pauling) and Pauling's study was found to be bunk anyway. (ibid)).

Also, I can't seem to find credentials on anyone interviewed here (well, not any credentials they would want to brag about anyway, like how Dan Rogers got his MD from a University in Mexico). Andrew Saul does write the occasional paper in the journal he mentions but he only has a small handful of citations and only then because he cites his own papers. There are also many logical fallacies. For example, Andrew Saul is being interviewed and says "Doctors say you shouldn't take vitamins". (or something to take effect) But I've never heard of a doctor doing that. Classic Straw-man fallacy. After all, if that were true how could Centrium claim that it's the "#1 Doctor recommended". All the doctors I've spoken to recommend multivitamins, with few reservations.

Alright so to sum it up. Very strong, outlandish statements, and no evidence to back them up, not even if you look for it.
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