Well-Made, but Not Perfect
14 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This German silent film is like just about every German silent movie I've seen: very well-made. It conveys emotion very well. The scene in which Balduin (Conrad Veidt) rescues an heiress from her horse is well-done. Another scene that is well-done is toward the end when Balduin shoots at a ghostly image of himself. The image disappears and he ends up shooting a mirror, which shatters on impact. Mirrors do play an important part of this film. Early in the film, Balduin gets picked on incessantly by his fellow students. A demonic-like figure (played by Werner Krauss) appears to him. Balduin tells him he'd like an heiress. The horse-rescue scene I've referred to, arranged by Krauss' character, introduces Balduin to the heiress. Later, in Balduin's room, the demonic figure promises him a sum of money. In exchange, Krauss' character wants Balduin's mirror reflection, which disappears as the two are looking in Balduin's mirror. Like I said in my title, this is a well-made film, but it's not perfect. It's a real downer and I'm not particularly fond of sad movies. Still, it's worth viewing, I think.
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