Dead Genesis (2010)
Problematic entry, but definitely enjoyable
17 January 2013
After joining up with a roving band of zombie hunters attempting to rid the world of the creatures, a documentarian following their actions finds that they're far more unbalanced than expected and tries to rely on them to get out of the epidemic alive.

A fairly enjoyable, though pretty problematic offering that manages to feature a few substantial flaws. The main one, the incredibly irritated shaking camera effect that renders the majority of this one's action scenes nearly impossible to make out and thus really renders them impossible to understand which is what you want in that situation. There's also the fact that there's just no accounting for all the unnecessary tangents this goes into at the end, where it seems to be about three or four different ideas at once but not one really meshes with the film's central storyline as a whole and feels really out-of-place. That said, there's some pretty good stuff here, from the numerous shoot-outs with the zombie swarms they encounter along the way, gets in some pretty decent bloodletting along the way with some fine zombie make-up as well. The main thing, though, is the opening which is probably as gruesome and shocking a way to do so as there's been, breaking one of the golden taboos of horror films quite readily and not really making any qualms about doing so, which gives it points as well as for the general creativeness on display, but it's not enough to overcome the flaws.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Full Nudity and violence-against-children.
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