Boring and does not go any where
18 January 2013
Just as so many reviewers have already mentioned on here, this film lacks big time in plot and is very very slow. the film really looks good, they managed to create a very creepy atmosphere, the acting was also above average, so it had all the recipe for being a good film, but it ultimately failed mainly because the plot had no target, and the whole movie did not go any where, it was a repetitive mess of boring scenes over and over. You can feel that there is a good film in there somewhere, but the director and the writers failed to bring it out and Berberian Sound studio ended up a boring slow film that is better avoided.

the plot as many have mentioned revolves around a British sound engineer hired by an Italian director to work on editing a Horror Italian film, once arrived and started working on the studio, he starts to feel homesick and lost with the people around him. more than half the movie is in Italian without subtitles, something done deliberately im assuming to have the viewers feel as lost and confused as the main character, the only problem that it was over done and not executed properly, to the extent that we as viewers really felt lost and bored listening to the never ending Italian talk throughout the movie without understanding anything!!

the biggest problem with the film is that it repeats itself with the same sort of scenes over and over, usually of actors working in the studio and the British engineer working on the editing looking confused and depressed with an aggressive Italian sound director along side him, with no clear goal or target for the film and ending up so confusing, slow and boring. Avoid
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