The X-Files: Folie a Deux (1998)
Season 5, Episode 19
A paranormal season (dvd)
20 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Back to my TV show after the Christmas break!

Well, this 5th season is rather abnormal: for those who thought the show was about FBI investigating paranormal and especially aliens, the first episodes leave interrogative. The so-called mythology is turning into a sad soap: the duo cries and cries, and when the cancer is cured, then it's a discovery of a daughter. (5.07) is almost intolerable because it takes the body obsession to the max as Emily's exams are close to intensive medication (the extra would reveal tell that this set freaks out the first cast actress). About the normal episodes, x-files become what they tried to avoid: a monster of the week show (the moth-man, Frankenstein revisited). Finally, we had to wait for best-sellers authors (King and Gibson) to have good episodes.

If there is a real intention to wrap up past loose ties (the lone gunmen (5.03); the pusher (5.08) or even the first x-file (5.15)), the new trends aren't engaging: after all Fox had witnessed, he needs only a military statements to have doubts about aliens! The new agents seems to be the son of Cancer-man whose mother was the queen of abductees, and a ex-lover of Fox's! Those relationships really suck the blood out of the show actually.

The usual religious (5.17) or funny (5.12) episodes are pretty good but as it was the movie year, we lost at least 4 more episodes, which isn't maybe a fair deal. The extras are pretty decent because they add a full behind the scene episode and tell more about leaving Vancouver and Gilian 's real sister, Zoe !

Finally, my best pick of this season is (5.19). It's again a hard one for Fox after having his limbs cut, his fingers broken. It's an original variation of the body snatchers, set in a high-tension hostage crisis. As it involves a gunfight, it says at least a point that medias never told us today when covering the reform to limit the constitutional right to gun (the last one to a citizen to protect against a oppressive government). Behind those crazy and criminal gunfights, there are guns, but what pulls the triggers is madness. So, I don't imply that fly monsters are at work, just maybe a lot of drugs sold by pharmaceutical drugs....
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