Death Race 3: Inferno (2013 Video)
Moderately fun and entertaining. Watch it.
21 January 2013
I just wanna open by saying I hate people who don't judge content by context, and in context, I thought this film was pretty sweet. Yes, there is the continuity problem and some extent of continuity problems- but come on, its a death race movie. Of course Death Race is crap if you judge it by normal movie standards, but death race is death race, man! And while this third installment wasn't a masterpiece, it still delivered enough entertainment for me to go "that was worth it". There's also that ending which, while some might say are cliché or cheesy or "Hollywood endings", I personally thought was awesome. Minus the ultra- numerous plot holes and impossible Hollywood stuff that happens because entertainment conflicts with realism, plus the constant bitching from Danny Trejo and Tanit Pheonix about friendship and deceit is really cheesy and annoying and cheesy and annoying, the only problem I got with this film is that Fred Koehler annoyed the crap outta me with that god awful character "Lists" and the things Lists says which is, as I mentioned before, annoying. However overall, this is a nice finish for a Death Race trilogy, if you bothered to see the first two you might as well see this as well. And yes, let's hope they don't make Death Race #4.
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