Home Improvement: The Write Stuff (1998)
Season 7, Episode 20
Hey, Yo!
25 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Tool Time gang is renovating a house, and Tim accidentally flings himself down the garbage chute. Meanwhile, the smarter member...the smartest member of the Taylor clan, Randy, is finishing up his newspaper article for mutations in the twentieth century. Things may be on a high for him, but they've taken a nose dive for Tim and Jill, who are being audited. As they try to find at least four years' worth of receipts, Brad comes with the announcement that, due to his college adviser suggesting more extracurricular activities, he has shown an interest in joining the school paper. What was he interesting in writing about? Eh, sports and stuff. His article would be of a much more laid-back tone than Randy's intellectual mutation story. Naturally, he puts little stock in Brad's ability to write...well, anything. However, he may just prove him wrong. The title of his stellar new section is, appropriately enough, "Hey, Yo!" An article about who prefers boxers to briefs and who's dating who on the tennis team. Randy dismisses it, knowing they'll never print it. However, he was sure in for a shock when he found out that it was not his article that made the front page, but Brad's! Randy's was bumped all way to the lunch menu.

Naturally, he takes this out on Brad, who had no control over where the articles were posted. Sure, Randy has a right to be angry that a newcomer who is supposedly his intellectual inferior would achieve more popularity in his first week than he did in two years. Being the mother, Jill wants to intervene in her boys' fighting, but Tim, being a brother himself, advises her not to and just let the problem work itself out. The problem there is that it nearly worked itself right into fisticuffs as Brad and Randy get physical with each other. Finally, the parents intervened, but it did little good. This whole newspaper article thing has put such a damper on their relationship that it's blinded them, and can't see what they've really got. Well, maybe a talk with Wilson will help. It seems he went through a similar situation with his high school paper. He was competing with fellow writer, Walter Winchell, and by happy accident, Wilson gained just as much of a following as Winchell, because more people got the newspaper to read his column, as well as Wilson's. He advises Randy to take it in stride, and so he does. So he and Brad make amends, both admitting to liking each others' articles after all, and maybe even write together. Bottom line, they're best buds again, and as for Tim and Jill being audited, it turns out they actually overpaid and are getting a hefty refund: $3.17.

This one is another of my favorites, not so much that I can relate to Brad and Randy's rivalry, as I'm an only child, but for the passion of writing and the competition involved. Anyway, Zachary and Jonathan are very believable as brothers and it was interesting to see them pitted against each other here, because usually they're partners in crime who work together against another offender, usually Mark. Home Improvement fans, writing fans, brothers, anybody, you will find the right stuff in The Write Stuff. Be sure and stay after for the outtakes, they're pretty damn funny.
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