When Petrillo Met Wishman
26 January 2013
Keyholes Are for Peeping (1972)

* (out of 4)

Another mind-number from director Doris Wishman remains mildly interesting for being the last performance by the Jerry Lewis clone Sammy Petrillo who is best remembered today for the cult classic BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA. In the film he plays Stanley, a loser living at home with his mother (also played by Petrillo) who gets one of those by-mail marriage conciliar licenses and soon he is working with various couples. That's only "part" of the story as the rest of the film deals with a dirty janitor looking at people through keyholes and of course the real "attraction" are the various sex and nude scenes. You know, while watching this film I couldn't help but feel sorry for those back in the day who would have to sit through something bad like this just to see some cheap nudity. This film is incredibly bad and I'd probably have hated it even more if I wasn't a fan of Petrillo's crazy romp through the jungle with Bela Lugosi. I've always had a soft spot for that film and when I noticed Petrillo working with Wishman then it was a must-see. Sadly there's really not too much going good in this film. The so-called story is downright horrible. There aren't any laughs to be had. The entire stuff dealing with the janitor is only mildly amusing. The sex scenes are never erotic and more times than not they're actually quite laughable. Just check out the sequence with two couples on a bed and the couple on the left side of the screen take part in one of the worst simulated sex scenes that you'll ever witness. As for Petrillo, the act here isn't funny but I must admit that he kept me entertained slightly. Wishman also at least hired several beautiful women to make the nudity pleasant. Still, KEYHOLES ARE FOR PEEPING is a pretty big misfire that's mainly going to appears to Wishman or Petrillo fans.
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