Silent Witness: True Love Waits: Part 2 (2013)
Season 16, Episode 6
An open and shut domestic murder… or the work of a serial killer?
26 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This two part story opens twenty years ago with a policeman rescuing a prostitute from her violent pimp… then beating the man to a pulp. Back in the present a pub landlady is found killed in her bedroom; the obvious suspect is her husband. He was seen arguing with her earlier in the evening and a quick search of the pub finds his bloody cloths and the murder weapon with his fingerprints on. The police are happy that they have got their man but Nicki and Jack aren't convinced. There is something strange about the situation; the killer cut off one of his victims fingers and there is no sign of it, forensics suggests that two knives were used in the attack and there is no blood on the husband's face. As they look into the case they find two other cases of murders were a finder was removed and the husband was sent to prison… if they are correct there have been miscarriages of justice and the police are so convinced that they have their man that there may be another.

I don't think anybody will be surprised about the identity of the killer but that doesn't make the story any less enjoyable as there were still some decent twists. The tension is kept high and more than once it looks as if the protagonists could be harmed… and in the case of a 'guest protagonist' they are. As always the cast puts in a solid performance and for once the appearance of a well known guest star doesn't mean they did it as it does in so many murder mystery series! It did seem a bit far fetched at times; most obviously when the police seemed determined to prosecute a man when it was obvious that the forensics would undermine their case… still it can be but down to dramatic license to make a more exciting story.
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