Tries to be more than what it is but it's somewhat watchable
30 January 2013
This movie is basically a misleading, messy rubbish that tries to be cool and clever but fails. Sure it has a few interesting dialogues and outlook but when it comes down to it, it's just not integrated into this movie well. And just seems like a pointless movie where the makers of this movie sat down in the past had few conversations they thought was intellectual and mashed it into one movie. Like "okay these are some interesting stuff we are talking about, now lets think of a way to put it all together into a movie" kinda deal. During the beginning scenes with Zach Galifianakis in the porno store I thought this might be a intriguing movie but the movie starts to fall apart from there on. And although Galifianakis is in the front cover of the DVD he is barely in this movie at all. And just goes in a direction with two padantic psychopaths constantly talking about assumptions, intuition, faith, humanity, balance and good and evil. And also bunch of movie references. But just feels random all around and doesn't seem to connect all even if few of the characters symbolize something. And has some terrible acting to go along with it even if most of the characters are suppose to be weird and a bit off. I give this movie a 5.8 because even if the dialogues seem good but it just doesn't interconnect and comes off as a disguise. Like Kirk Vanderbeek,Real Detroit Weekly calls it "A David Lynch meets Kevin Smith style, with a dash of 'Tarantino'". And it does have that Kevin Smith and a bit of Tarantino vibe but fails on both areas. It's somewhat watchable though but it's a mess of a movie.

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