Wonderful start to a wonderful show!
30 January 2013
Being born in the early 1970's, I wasn't around to witness the beginning of this wonderful series. In fact, I had probably already seen every episode more than once by the time I got to see this premiere movie.

This movie isn't one of those makes you laugh and feel good kind. The west was a hard place to be. When watching this, we can't help but to gain a new respect for the pioneers who worked and sweated over the land. It was a tough life. When you think you're finally going to get somewhere, you are knocked off your feet. But this family had a lot of love for each other and God. Through fire, fears of Indain attacks, months of traveling, floods, wild animals, and injuries; one thing remained unchanged: the love they had for each other.

And if you haven't seen this and you expect a happy ending, I'm sorry but you will be very disappointed. there is no happy ending here. This only goes to explain why the Ingalls family did not settle in Kansas like they originally planned to do.

When watching this series, you cannot compare it to the books. There are a lot of differences between the two. While Charles was a big man with a wild beard, this Charles was quite different. Also, Carrie had not been born yet when they went to Kansas Territory.

Watch this show. It shows how "simple" life used to be.
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