Proof of Life (2000)
Typical armchair and limited view of the overall issues
1 February 2013
I just wanted to add something that I think it's missing from all the comments here: This kind of approach to South America and its recent history is insulting and biased. 1. The pro-left rebels in the mountains are portrayed as comic stereotypes: dirty, illiterate, terrorist. 2. Nothing in the movie even hints the BIGGEST problem, which is the constant involvement of the US in South American and Central American internal affairs and the exploitation of the South American resources by the West. 3. The white characters are so f***** pure and one-sided that it made me want to puke.The kidnapped man is a damn builder who wants to "help the people".The wife and the sister are down-to-earth strong American women. The rescuers are funny and charming and have a noble agenda.Whereas everything about the South American country is mercantile and primitive. No s***, Sherlock.

Western directors should do some research and soul searching before working with such background stories. This is the real history and drama of a whole continent, not some childish Star Wars story.

As for movie itself, I enjoyed it somewhat because of some good actors. Morse is great, Caruso tackles the type of supporting role that we are usually used to see Bill Paxton in, and Crowe is OK in his tough guy military role. The only problem with the acting is Meg Ryan, who's not only miscast but really does an awful job here. Really terrible, as always, actually.
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