Christine: Finish Line (2004 Video)
Christine's Music
2 February 2013
Christine: Finish Line (2004)

*** (out of 4)

The second of three featurettes on the CHRISTINE Special Edition. This one here runs just six-minutes and features John Carpenter, Bill Phillips, Richard Kobritz, John Stockwell, Keith Gordon and Alexandra Paul. The first featurette clocked in at 29-minutes and there's really no reason why this six-minutes couldn't have just been connected with that one. They say that if a featurette goes over 30-minutes then there's more money for the people involved and I'm guessing that's true because there's really no reason for this to be its own separate featurette. The only thing that's discussed here is the music that was used in the film and we have Carpenter talking about his score and why he was embarrassed to see his name on the credits so much. We also get the final thoughts of the people involved as they talk about the movie finally getting released, making decent money and getting some good reviews. Fans of the film are certainly going to want to check this out but, again, there's really no reason for this to be a separate film.
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