Justified: This Bird Has Flown (2013)
Season 4, Episode 4
Justified The Bird Has Flown
3 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lindsey has left Raylan taking his money and he has no idea where she may have gone, Rachel decides to help him look for this girl. Lindsey and Randall have taken the money so Randall get become the trainer he always wanted to. Ellen May now seems lost with the death of Billy and while she wants her job back there is talk if she should get it back. Cassie must then be found to see what she knows. Rachel and Raylan go looking for Randall meeting with Joe who still does not know where Randall could be. Cassie is found by the sheriff office and asked about what she knew but it turns out Boyd was listening not afraid of Cassie saying anything bad but Ava still is not sure. Randall and Lindsey end up beating the store manager she flirted with earlier. She makes a quick call to Raylan lying about it. Raylan gets the call from Lindsey and now has the information to find her. Ava has set up another life for Ellen May but she does not want to go. Raylan and Rachel find out where the pair are but Raylan must go by himself with a gun. Raylan arrives at the scene and when he fires the gun it is not a killer but just badly hurts Randall. When Randall quickly heals the two break out into a fight and Lindsey somehow gets the gun hitting both of them and Randall much harder then Raylan. Raylan is able to get his money but the money was spent of the roasters which are the animals Randall wanted to train. Ellen knows why she is being sent off but even though she will keep the secret for Ava she is sent off. Colt must drive her and he gets the call lying to her telling her she gets the job back even though he was meant to kill her. He leaves her for a few moments and this gave her the time to run away letting Colt fail. This was an improvement for the show because they have let some bad characters go like Lindsey and Randall. It was nothing like the show has done in the past but it was enjoyable to watch.

EPISODE GRADE: B- (MVP: Timothy Olyphant)
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