Kenny vs. Spenny (2002–2010)
Best reality show in history
3 February 2013
It's been couple of years since the series stopped, even though there's rumors about a KvS-film or a season 7, even so i can't stop watching this show. When time passes i feel the urge to watch this show again. What makes it brilliant is that Spenny and Kenny are complete opposites and the show wouldn't be the same. Their relationship evolves through out the series, mostly Spenny becomes more cynical, paranoid and sometimes he even compromises his principles. Kenny is the mastermind of the show, he's the one who mostly comes up with the competition and methods how to ''Go around the rules'' or even methods to cheat. If you start watching the show, notice that there are some faked scenes, most of the time by Kenny to mess with Spennys mind, but the competitions are real and Kenny and Spenny are really what they are in the show.
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