7 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this recently and was overwhelmed by them.

Movies, music etc are made for general consumption and yet manage to have incredibly personal meaning. Become an inseparable part of you without you even realizing it.

First saw this as a kid. Good music. Story that any kid would want to believe.

Liked Michael and he was good as ever but he barely registered.

Slender, elegant blonde walked onto the screen.

Heart stopped.

Started again.

And the world had changed.

Helen Slater was in it.

Knew she would never set eyes on me and could not love her less. Could not forget her either.

She is now a pale shadow of her young self. As am I.

They say there is no such thing as ghosts but movies have magic. As light and shadow danced on screen, just for a moment a beautiful girl and a boy who loved her flickered to life once again.

That time is long lost, as are those people. But not that love.

Just wanted some record of it other than my memory.

Wish them well.

Thank you.
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