Review of Airborne

Airborne (2012)
This film sucks harder than an Dysan hoover
7 February 2013
This isn't very good at all. Its wooden, the men sound like they're mainly extras from Eastenders or are so spineless & pathetic they would say boo to a goose apart from one stupid foulmouthed granddad whose portrayal of a hard nut leads a lot to be desired. From the crew to the SIS this film sucks harder than a Dysan hoover. Basically on a plane, people start disappearing; bodies found in the hold, mouthy passengers get on your nerves. Three quarters of the way through the film you're praying the dam plane crashes and kills the lot of them. A couple of punch ups, usual idiot with a gun (oh yes they let him on a plane with a gun in his luggage) thats the level of realism in this terrible film. It even has the shouty shouty stupid paranoid American, just for good measure
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